So apparently girls are usually into fashion, make up, the latest trends and not to mention the glamor of it all shopping!!! I myself love to shop and watch fashion shows and I come to realize how over the years many of their models were starting to almost deteriorate before my eyes during the seasonal runway shows. Its sad to say that many of those women who had seemed to been disappearing right before my eyes were anorexic, bulimic and/or had some type of eating disorder. It seemed to be some sort of trend actually. It wasn't until I reached high school when my circle of five began to start thinking about our weight and our appearance. I look at it as a sad thing now because we did fall under the what the media portrayed to be beautiful and we wanted to be that and I'm pretty sure many other girls did too, but thankfully neither of us fell under so much pressure to gain this eating disorder. As I was doing research I found many interesting video clips and pictures which I would like to share with you throughout out my blog perhaps in other posts, many of the videos were delivering messages like how to love yourself not kill yourself by starving, while others were delivering the exact opposite and had this go "thinspo" perspective, which is basically proana, you'll get to learn what these terms mean throughout various posts on my blog.
Friday, September 25, 2009
Thin Is In, Obviously!
Posted by Melissa-Emily at 12:22 AM
Friday, September 18, 2009
What Anorexia and Bulimia Really Is?
For those who didn't already know, Anorexia and Bulimia are eating disorders. Thinspiration, Thinspo, ProAna and even ProMia on the other hand are common internet words used to refer to the rejection of the idea that anorexia nervosa is an unwanted disorder, by believing that anorexia/bulimia is not a mental illness rather it is a "lifestyle choice" that should be respected by doctors and their family. For those who have weak stomach please excuse the graphics, which will be appear on my blog. The exact Medical definitions for each eating disorder are below:
Anorexia: An eating disorder characterized by markedly reduced appetite or total aversion to food. Anorexia is a serious psychological disorder. It is a condition that goes well beyond out-of-control dieting. The person with anorexia, most often a girl or young woman, initially begins dieting to lose weight. Over time, the weight loss becomes a sign of mastery and control. The drive to become thinner is thought to be secondary to concerns about control and fears relating to one's body. The individual continues the endless cycle of restrictive eating, often to a point close to starvation. This becomes an obsession and is similar to an addiction to a drug. Anorexia can be life-threatening. Also called anorexia nervosa.
Bulimia: Is also called bulimia nervosa. An eating disorder characterized by episodes of secretive excessive eating (binge-eating) followed by inappropriate methods of weight control, such as self-induced vomiting (purging), abuse of laxatives and diuretics, or excessive exercise. The insatiable appetite of bulimia is often interrupted by periods of anorexia.
Like anorexia, bulimia is generally thought to be a psychological eating disorder. It is another condition that goes beyond out-of-control dieting. The cycle of overeating and purging can quickly become an obsession similar to an addiction to drugs or other substances. Although bulimia has been widely considered to be psychological and sociocultural in origin, not everyone is susceptible to developing bulimia. People living with either or disorders can oftentimes think they are looking in the mirror and visualizing a fat person when they are simply not.
Posted by Melissa-Emily at 2:40 PM
Friday, September 11, 2009
Have a Little Thinspiration, Or Not!
So for those who did not know Thinspiration it is a common internet words used to refer to eating disorders. As I was doing my research I came upon many "Thinspo" and "Thinspiration" videos which were absolutely ridiculous if you ask me. I was amazed by how many videos like this there actually were, Many of which had comments on Vlogs thanks for the tips, I even found a post from a 12 year old girl asking for tips on how to be awesomely skinny, she states that her mother tells her that if she doesn't eat she will die, and she goes on to say that she doesn't care that we all are going to die one day. Shocking aint it??? Tell me about it and she is only 12 years old but that not as young as it gets; there are even 8 year old girls out there who think the same way, how sad. I don't know who in there right mind will actually put out videos like this where it can influence people to become anorexic or bulimic; surprisingly enough the "real girls thinspos" featured very gorgeous girls at which point I began to think why are they destroying themselves and thinking it's ok and worst of all why are they helping others fall into these eating disorder habits. Its very shocking to watch some of these videos. I will post few "Thinspo" videos which I found to be the most disturbing so you that can get an idea exactly what "Thinspiration" and "Thinspo" videos really are. This one Is Called "Food Will Let You Down", "®eal Girl Thinspo: Drown & Tips!!" and the rest are very similar to this one and you can watch them from the side youtube panel I have, but you guys can drop your comments about what you think of them, As I mentioned before, to me there pretty damn ridiculous!
Posted by Melissa-Emily at 12:36 AM
Tuesday, September 8, 2009
What The Media Considers Beautiful
There's much controversy when it comes to who exactly is at fault for young teens and adults developing some type of eating disorders. Some argue that it is the being themselves who are wholesomely responsible, while others can also blame it on parents, friends etc. but what many people really tend to argue about is the media/industry itself. Many model agencies put out this skinny image brainwashing us to believe that, that is how beauty really looks, when in reality it is not. Many agencies often times tell girls to loose weight because they are fat when they look and weigh what is considered to be very normal. For those who argue that the media/industry does not influence people to loose weight, pursue perfection, and what is considered to be beautiful, guess what you guys are totally wrong. I found this really interesting video which perhaps can show you how exactly our minds are being flooded with this type of thinking. You may have not noticed it as much as before but the media is always advertising a new way to get slim, how to be beautiful, oh and one of my favorites that magazine's also love "the top sexist women", which I'm pretty sure I've never seen anyone who looked overweight on there. Oh by the way I also wanted to mention you see that picture on the up top, guess how I found that picture??? Ok the suspense is over, I went to, clicked on images and typed in Media, Fashion and Beauty which showed many different pictures of how the media portrays beauty, Still not convinced media lovers??? Well here is the video I found, for those who choose not to leave some fault at the media, take a closer look:
(Ps please take my survey on the right after you watch this video clip)
Posted by Melissa-Emily at 12:12 AM
Friday, September 4, 2009
Role Models For Anorexia & Bulimia
Ok so let's face it, celebrities are usually very trendy and beautiful like 24/7. So its no wonder why teens tend to look up to them on various levels but with that tends to come many unwanted things sometimes drugs, partying habits, insecurities, and of course a desire to be awesomely thin. A couple years ago mary-kate olsen was diagnosed with anorexia after having shown up to an event with all her bones showing, and although she is not the only one in Hollywood who has been diagnosed with an eating disorder, she is one of them who decided to go for treatment. Others like Lindsey Lohan & Nicole Richie who deny have any form of eating disorder, it clearly obvious that they do and this is sad because perhaps they don't admit to it because it's a taboo. This probably one of the many reasons why people think it’s ok to look like this when in reality it isn’t. Take a real good look at them, I’m sure there’s many pictures of them in bathing suits looking extremely thin and as if they were walking skeletons ready to fall. I really hope you got something out of this blog, because all though the entertainment industry pushes and promotes being really thin in order to be beautiful there are many other forms of beauty and you don’t have to starve your self to be it.
Posted by Melissa-Emily at 12:10 AM